Favored by many Russian Lacquer Art Collectors, the School of PALEKH Painting produces the most perfectly detailed and richly ornamented illuminations of Russian fairy tales and poetic works. - Catalog.instaplanet.com is proud to present for your consideration this authentic Palekh Masterpiece of Russian Lacquer Miniature Art:
- "The Dream World of Aleksander Pushkin" -
Highly collectible narrative Russian Lacquer Art, illustrating Pushkin's artistic visions and fanciful compositions, 'Lukomorye', painted on a large papier-mache box in 2002
- by Feodor Stepanovich Kritov of Palekh -
signed and dated, measuring 9.50 x 5.71 x 1.65 inches (24 x 14.50 x 4.20 cm).
This enchanting Russian lacquer miniature painting is both, a realistic Portrait of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, 1799-1837, (-see his studio picture on the left-) plus a pictorial Narrative of some of his most beloved fairy tales. Established Palekh master Feodor Kritov uses his uniquely brilliant and imaginative style of egg-tempera painting to transport us to the world of Russia's premier literary genius.
Here we see Pushkin sitting under an Oak tree, quill in hand, writing down on a scroll the following introduction to the story of 'Ruslan and Liudmila'. This poem has come to stand on its own, as it previews the characters in tales yet to be told. It is know as "Lukomorye" :
An oak tree greening by the sea; A golden chain about it wound: Whereon a learned cat, in motion Both day and night, will walk around; On walking right he sings a ditty, On walking left, he tells a lay. A magic place: there wends his way The woodsprite, there's a mermaid sitting In branches, there on trails past knowing Are tracks of beast you never met;
On chicken feet a hut is set With neither door nor window showing. There wood and dale with wonders teem; At dawn of day the breakers stream Upon the bare and barren lea, And thirty handsome armored heroes File from the waters' shining mirrors, With them their Usher from the Sea. There glimpse a prince, and in his slave; A lot, before the people massing, Across the wood, across the wave,
A warlock bears a warrior brave; See Baba-Yaga's mortar glide All of itself, with her astride. There droops Kashey, on treasure bent; There's Russia's spirit... Russian scent! And there I stayed, and drank of mead; That oak tree greening by the shore I sat beneath, and of his lore The learned cat would chant and read.
One tale of these I kept in mind, And tell it now to all my kind...
:: Palekh Master Kritov fully captures the poetic flow of Pushkin's magical vision ::
Strongly recommended for the Connoisseur of Palekh Fine Art and World Literature.
Medium: papier-mache, black lacquer, egg-tempera, aluminum paint, lacquer and polished leaf-gold
GALLERY List Price: $1200 ---
- Our SALE Price: $1000 (plus Shipping)
Go to the Inventory of THE RUSSIAN LACQUER BOX Fine Art CATALOG
(Our digital camera cannot adequately show the overlay of finely feathered gold-leaf highlights, painstakingly applied by the artist's expert hand, on this unique lacquer art creation.)
***** This magnificent PALEKH Russian Lacquer Box is currently on loan to an Exhibition. *****
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