The Art of Russian Lacquer Miniature painting is a part of World Culture. Catalog.instaplanet.com is proud to offer a fine selection of authentic original hand-painted Russian Lacquer boxes from FEDOSKINO - PALEKH - KHOLUI and MSTERA for your consideration and Internet-direct purchase. WELCOME to our online Art Gallery and Boutique!
-:- Feedback -:- Reviews -:- Commentary -:-
While many of our catalog.instaplanet.com Visitors click through our pages anonymously, others have taken the initiative to email us their compliments and words of encouragement. - Here are some of their comments.
- To all of you who sent us feedback, we would like to express our Gratitude and Appreciation for your continued support and your unflagging enthusiasm for RUSSIAN LACQUER ART.
On Fri 17 Jun 2005 Zinaida F. of San Francisco, California, USA writes:
"Thank you for sending me your website. It is very nicely done. I hope you will have success with selling the boxes - it is very good selection and prices are reasonable. Good luck!"
On Wed 15 Jun 2005 Pavel T. of Rostov, Ru writes:
"Your site looks great and interesting. I like the French and German."
On Mon 9 May 2005 C. Ross of Houston, Texas, USA writes:
"Congratulations on your Russian Lacquer website. The design, layout and presentation is well structured and visually appealing. The text and content of your site is interesting and informative, especially to the novice of Russian lacquer art collecting. I am a long-time philatelist and collector of rare coins. After perusing catalog.instaplanet.com I find myself tempted to branch out into the field of Russian lacquered miniatures. Please put me on your mailing list."
On Sun 3 Apr 2005 Alexander Kurkin of Palekh, Ru writes:
"I and Natasha looked your site with interest. The site is good. Now I send you a photos of a Golikov house."
***** Please invite your friends to explore our site and discover original Russian Lacquer Art here at Catalog.instaplanet.com! *****
Here is a look into a PALEKH Artist Studio. (Photo Credit: Tom Stocker)