Russian Lacquer Inventory KHOLUI Kurnikova FEDOSKINO Dubovikov Treasure Box CLASSIC Fedoskino TROIKA Plaque MINIATURE Sculpture MSTERA Kingdom KHOLUI 5-in-1 Miniature Elegant PORTRAIT Pushkin PALEKH Friends & GUESTS Info BLOGe-mail me

:: RUSSIAN LACQUER Miniature Painting is a vibrant and ever-changing Art Form - The Serious Collector demands Information - We report The NEWS ::

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This is the Russian Lacquer Art Collectors' Guide to Resources and up-to-date Information. Bookmark this page to stay current on The Latest Developments :

Read the NEWS on the complex subject of Russian Lacquer; Find out about the ARTISTS of Fedoskino, Palekh, Kholui and Mstera; Follow recent TRENDS and EXHIBITIONS; Pick up TIPS on how to select and care for your lacquer boxes; Check out related LINKS; Review other supplemental DATA. - We call this section:

- The InfoBLOG -



- NEWS (Aug 2005) - We are saddened to announce the passing of Yuri Leonidovich Dubovikov - Дубовиков, Юрий Леонидович (1938-2005). While visiting the home of fellow artists Sergei and Marina Rogatovi and sitting at their table making conversation, Yuri suffered a sudden heart attack and died instantly.
Dubovikov captured the essence of the Russian landscape like no other. He will be missed. We send our condolences to his family, Nina Pershina, Galina Dubovikova, and to the Artist Community of Fedoskino, of which he was a respected member for over forty-five years.
We are privileged to be able to offer an opportunity for you to invest in his art which will greatly appreciate in value. Please review his 2001 landscape painting 'Kizhi - Cathedral of the Transfiguration' for your consideration.


- TIP - Undecided about purchasing an item from our inventory? : Save the image to your hard drive, set it as wallpaper on your screen and 'virtually' live with it for a while. This should help you to determine if the piece is right for you.

- RESOURCE - You can study details about the early History of the icon-painting Village of Palekh, the 'Birthplace of the Russian Firebird', by visiting The InstaPLANET Cultural Universe - A Planet Of Learning.


- NEWS (Aug/Sept 2005) - Mstera Artist Vladimir Molodkin's recent lacquer works are on exhibit through September 31 at The Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts at 3 Delegatskaya St., Moscow. If your travel itinerary takes you to the Moscow Region in the month of September, we recommend that you go see it. The highlight of the show is a twelve panel composition titled 'The Slavs' which depicts Christian and Pagan holidays, legendary historical characters and events, and the way of life of the Russian ancestors.
We currently offer a Mstera lacquer work painted by Molodkin's contemporary, Yuri Ikonnikov, for sale at The box features the typical Mstera blue-silver palette with contrasting shades of pink, green and yellow pastels and gold accents very similar to Molodkin's work. Please take a look.

- TIP - When starting or adding to your collection of Russian Lacquer Box Art, always buy the BEST you can afford. As every experienced Collector will tell you, this strategy prevents later regrets of having compromised on quality. Look for original, authentic and unique art work. Instead of making many purchases of charming and inexpensive boxes, it is advisable to seek out a few outstanding works by established artists. maintains the highest standards of authenticity, originality and value of art works offered for sale.

- RESOURCE - A new book as just come out about the changing Art of Palekh: "Russia in a Box - Art and Identity in an Age of Revolution". Written by Andrew L. Jenks, Historian and Assistant Professor at Niagara University, this rather scholarly dissertation examines how Palekh artists helped to reshape Russian national identity, and how Palekh art, in turn, has adapted to the dramatic changes in the Russian nation over two centuries. To those of you who keep a private reference library, we recommend that you add this book, though sparsely illustrated, for its well-researched documentation of the historical significance of Palekh Art. Jenks' book can be purchased online directly from the publisher, Northern Illinois University Press.


Tatiana was born in the city of Moscow on August 16, 1954. She studied at the Fedoskino Art School from 1970 to 1974 under the Honored Artist of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Grigorievich Pashinin. After graduating and receiving her Diploma, Tatiana was employed as an in-house artist at the Fedoskino Factory of Miniature Art where she honed her skill at multi-layering oil paints to achieve the vivid expression and depth that is characteristic of her works. In the 1980s Tatiana Tipyakova was chosen to take part in the extensive restoration of the murals and art panels at the Alexeyevski Monastery, located in the North of Moscow. This project took several years to bring to successful completion and required all the skill and patience of Fedoskino's finest talent.
Now working independently, Tatiana's lacquered works have gained immense popularity with collectors of Fedoskino art. She divides her care and affection among her painting, her son and her dog. is proud to offer one of Tatiana's earlier works, dated 1992, which celebrates the pure joy and exhilaration of riding the Troika.


This Info BLOG Was Last Updated On: 25 August 2005

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|Russian Lacquer Inventory| |KHOLUI Kurnikova| |FEDOSKINO Dubovikov| |Treasure Box| |CLASSIC Fedoskino| |TROIKA Plaque| |MINIATURE Sculpture| |MSTERA Kingdom| |KHOLUI 5-in-1 Miniature| |Elegant PORTRAIT| |Pushkin PALEKH| |Friends & GUESTS| |Info BLOG|

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